Health and healing

He Loads the Thick Cloud

Whether for correction or for His land or for love, He causes it to happen.  (Job 37:11-13) If we have ever seen the limits of our physical strength, we just did here in the Houston area.  We are the fourth largest city in the United States of America.  The energy capital of our nation. Harvey… Continue reading He Loads the Thick Cloud

Health and healing

For the Betrayed Christian: Healing, Freedom

Has your heart been broken before?  Torn apart?  People we love are sinners just like us.  And they make choices that hurt us and themselves sometimes.  Adultery, pornography, substance abuse, cheating, overspending.  And they often hide it.  What’s a Christian to do when someone we love is dishonest, hiding hurtful behavior, or unfaithful?  It can be… Continue reading For the Betrayed Christian: Healing, Freedom